I Married Her As Muslim, She Must Leave My House Now She's Christian
Answering Malaysia Islam - moderate Muslim
A Testimony
My name is Rogayyah, a Malay woman from Malaysia. My Primary
School days were in the mornings and I attended Islamic Studies at the Religious
School in the afternoons. I was taught to read, memorise and to understand
Quranic verses. I attended the religious school until I achieved the qualification
of Ustazah, i.e. I qualified as a female Islamic religious teacher.
During religious classes, we were taught that prayer is the
only way to bring us closer to God, and in our daily prayers, we always had
to recite Surah Al-Fatihah, the first chapter of the Quran. Verse 6 of
this chapter states: 'Show us the Straight Path'. For years on end,
I have been reciteing this verse over and over but I never found the so-called
Straight Way! On questioning my religious teacher, Ustaz, his response was
always to accept what is taught and to never question. Whereas in the Morning
School, where everything was taught in English, I always had the habit of
asking from my teachers, whenever I was in doubt. There was also another verse
that each Muslim should recite at the end of every prayer. That is to ask
Allah to save Muhammad. I had believed and understood Muhammad to be an Apostle
of God, a messenger of His message and a man of God etc. So, he should have
been saved at least by his faithfulness as an apostle/prophet of God. So this
also I inquired of my Ustaz, who became angry with me and branded me a 'kafir'
(unbeliever). In fact, this ustaz disliked me for asking him 'too many questions'
with regard to the Quranic verses, and he likewise failed to give me specific
and satisfactory answers ! This made me quite unhappy and to look for my answers
My anscestors were 'bomohs' or shamans and I inherited
their abilities. I had the ability to heal people who were sick through evil
spirits or who suffered from fits. I was able to do this by the 'spirits'
(orang halus) handed down to me from my grandmother's side. To my amazement,
I came across verses from the Qu'ran that could be used to attract the opposite
sex, and also to cause harm to others. This created more doubts in my mind
on the good virtues of Islam. This initially led me to follow a Hindu classmate
to the temple, but, when I saw there lots of unnatural-looking idols holding
spears, I was put off. Moreover the language spoken was Tamil, which I did
not understand!
Later, I followed some Christian friends to church services
on Sunday. There, I saw no idols, and the language was English which I understood.
I continued to attend prayer meetings at one of my English school teacher's
home, and was treated with love and respect that was never experienced in
my own home. One Sunday afternoon, I had returned home with a picture of Jesus
Christ and this was found out. I was given a belting. Being fearful of more
beatings, getting chased out of the house and possibly having my schooling
stopped, I decided to continue following my religious duties as a Muslim just
to please my parents.
As I continued to study the Quran, I discovered in Surah al-Zukhruf
verse 61, which said: "And (Jesus) shall be a sign for the coming of
the Hour of Judgement. Therefore, have no doubt about the Hour, but follow
ye, Me (Jesus), and this is the Staright Path." Verse 62 says: "Let
not the evil one hinder you; for he is to you an avowed enemy. Verse 63:
"When Jesus came with clear signs, he said: 'To you with wisdom, and
in order to make clear to you some of the points on which ye dispute; therefore
fear God, and obey me.'" When I questioned my ustaz
about this verse, he said that at the end of life's journey, we would
meet Muhammad. But he had actually deviated from my question! On and off,
I would make visits to church on Sundays by myself. This included a Catholic
church. It was there that I eventually met Richard, who became my husband.
Richard was initially a Roman Catholic, always had a rosary
in his pocket and also wore a Buddhist charm on his arm for 'strength'. I
followed him to Sunday church services whenever he attended them. I found
the Catholic services similar to the Islamic ones that I attended—formal and
ritualistic. There were times I reminded Richard that it was like idol-worship
but he never argued with me about that. So, I would join him when I liked
it, and on Catholic Feast Days, I would always follow him to church. This
went on for some years until he fell quite ill and had to be warded into Hospital.
Even after his discharge from the Hospital, he had to be on medication. The
medicine, however, never made him better and he became thin and weak. Then
I tried treating him by reciting certain Quranic verses over a cup of water,
which I gave him to drink. Even that treatment failed! This
fact disturbed me, as I was a bomoh (Muslim faith healer) and our
neighbours in the area where we lived also recognised me as one!
Eventually, a friend of my husband introduced a Christian Pastor
to us. The pastor showed us from the Bible how Jesus had healed sick people
in His day, and how He still heals sick people freely, today!
If only we would believe in Him and ask for the healing by faith. That was the
first time we, as a couple, held the Bible, read it and prayed fervently
together. And within weeks of prayer, I began to see changes in my husband's
health! Hallelujah!
After having understood the true message of the Gospel and what
salvation actually is all about, both Richard and I decided to accept this
free gift of salvation from God, given through His Chosen One, the Messiah
Jesus Christ. We also decided to attend church to learn more from God's Word
the Bible. My husband and I enjoyed the refreshing services and sang the songs
of worship and attentively listened to the sermons expounded by men of God.
There was a particular meeting, when at the end, the pastor
invited people with problems and other needs to step forward to be prayed
for. The Pastor also specifically called for my husband, Richard to come forward,
and he did. When it came to Richard's turn to be prayed for, he fell prostrate
on the ground after he was prayed for! Being a little sceptical about that,
I questioned him later on about why he also fell down like the others after
they had prayed for him. He replied that, he did not imitate the others who
were there, but that he actually saw a bright light during the prayer, and
he fell down spontaneously in awe of it! Personally, I found that hard to
believe. So I challenged Richard that the following week, I too will go forward
during the altar call to be prayed for. But, instead of falling to the ground,
I would still be standing up!
So came the following week and we attended the church service.
True enough, Pastor made an altar call and I went forward to be prayed for.
When it came to my turn, I stood as stiff as possible and would not be moved.
Suddenly, a bright light appeared before me, in the shape of a Cross and I
did not know what happened next! It all happened all so fast. The next moment
I was there lying on the floor of the church and people were praying over
me! I was overjoyed! All the way home I was speechless with the joy of the
Lord. This was an experience of a lifetime which cannot be erased from my
As we continued with our Bible studies, to my amazement I discovered
that the verse in the Bible where Jesus Christ said : "I am the
Way, and the Truth and the Life, no man can come to the Father (i.e. God), but
BY ME," (John 14 verse 6) is the very verse that was described
centuries later in Surah al-Zukhruf verses 61-63 as well as in Surah 1 verse
6 i.e. 'Show us the straight path...' From that point onwards, I was
assured that my salvation only comes through believing in Jesus Christ, who
is now both my Saviour and my Lord!
Just one year later, God blessed us with a baby boy! Two weeks
after his birth, when we had already registered his birth certificate, we
had a group of 'uninvited guests'. At about 11.00 pm one night, a group of
people from the Jabatan Agama or Religious Department, came by, they were
both men and women, in police uniform as well as plain-clothed. They wanted
to know why I had become a Christian. That gave me an opportunity to share
with them from the Quran that 'Isa or Jesus is the al-Masih or Messiah, and
He will also return as the coming Judge, deciding the destinies of men and
women for all eternity. Whereas Muhammad was only a messenger, who is himself
at the mercy of God on the Day of Judgement. I also reminded them from Surah
35 (Fatir), that my 'conversion' was my sole responsibility, that I alone
will answer to God Almighty on judgement day and nobody else can do that
on my behalf. I feel that sometimes the Muslim religious authorities over-reach
themselves in trying to determine other Muslim people's destinies. That's
probably why they even threaten ex-Muslims with death for leaving Islam. After
hearing my explanation, the people from the religious department left. As
for me, I thank God for the boldness and clear mind that He gave me to face
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