Malay Christian Video

Ex-Muslims Met Jesus Through Dreams and Visions

Malay Christian Prince: Alcohol, Pork Prohibited?

Malay Christian Prince: Is allah Like You? 

Org Kristen, Hindu, Budha adalah mantan Islam? Zakir Naik

Di Mana Yesus Ngaku Yahweh, Aku Tuhan, Sembah Aku?

At the Crossroads - Malaysia (scheduled upload 15 Feb 2020)

Please donate and pray for persecuted Malay Christians.... thanks.  
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  1. In Galatians, the Apostle Paul says "If we, or even an angel from heaven preaches a different gospel to you... let him be cursed!"

    600 years later, an angel comes and gives a DIFFERENT GOSPEL to Muhammad. It was prophesied that the false religion of Islam would be created.

    1. Hello?..are u a Malaysian? I'm a muslim Malay and it feels pretty lonely here tbh

  2. I pray more like you would be moved by God to help reach out to peoplw who need to hear the Gospel..
