Muslim: awak katakan Jesus ialah Tuhan. saya katakan Jesus islah seorang manusia dan seorang nabi. Mari kita berdoa kepada Tuhan yang mencipta dan menguasai sekalian alam agar melaknat siapa di antara kita berdua yang berdusta.
Christian: you ask allala and Jesus who is Jesus. Jesus is responsible to answer you. The black stone, moon god and Al Abyad momo's devil cannot and will not be able to handle the truth, they will not answer. I break all allalla curses, I bless you.
Muslim: awak ada satu hari untuk pikir. awak katakan Jesus ialah Tuhan. saya katakan Jesus ialah manusia dan nabi. esok dalam waktu sama dgn sekarang, kita berdoa kepada Tuhan Pencipta kita yang menguasai langit dan bumi, agar melaknat siapa di antara kita berdua yang berdusta dalam kenyataan di atas.
Christian: Islam itu agama laknat.. Yesus tak laknat siapa2.
Muslim: insya-Allah / God-willing esok dalam waktu lebih kurang sama saya cek balik komen, kita teruskan berdoa. kalau awak tak setuju takpe tapi lebih baik awak berhenti komen sebab nampak awak agama Christian sendiri yang awak dakwa ikut, awak sendiri yang jahil.
Christian: tak perlu saya doa, di hari kehakiman, Yesus akan beri awak hadiah yg kau patut terima.
Muslim: And when Allah will say, "O Jesus, Son of Mary, did you say to the people, 'Take me and my mother as deities (ilahain - 2 ilah's) besides Allah ?'" He will say, "Exalted are You! It was not for me to say that to which I have no right. If I had said it, You would have known it. You know what is within myself, and I do not know what is within Yourself. Indeed, it is You who is Knower of the unseen.
I said not to them except what You commanded me - to worship Allah, my Lord and your Lord. And I was a witness over them as long as I was among them; but when You took me up, You were the Observer over them, and You are, over all things, Witness.
If You should punish them - indeed they are Your servants; but if You forgive them - indeed it is You who is the Exalted in Might, the Wise.
Allah will say, "This is the Day when the truthful will benefit from their truthfulness." For them are gardens [in Paradise] beneath which rivers flow, wherein they will abide forever, Allah being pleased with them, and they with Him. That is the great attainment.
To Allah belongs the dominion of the heavens and the earth and whatever is within them. And He is over all things competent. (Quran Translation 5:116-120)
Christian: idiot your Qur'an verse one - allah, verse two - lillah. What is lillah? Two allahs.
Muslim: you dont even know arabic, dont even know your own bible. you still have a few hours to make decision on the doa from my previous posts
Christian: I laugh at your muhabala, trying to invoke allalla's curse. The moon good allalla promise to erase my face, nose, eyes, turn me into a pig. What happened? Puuuiiiuhhhhh to your allalla, I still have my face, I am still human, not a pig. Your allalla made a false promise. For years Muslims invoke the curse on me in social media, your allalla moon god failed again and again.
Ok I accept your challenge. You ask the worst to happen to me. I only ask mild discomfort for you, I ask that you have a sharp pain in your right knee. Cursing people is not Jesus teaching. I am just being wishful. Then, I wish you recover from it, else let Christ give a sample of the fire from the pit.
Muslim: saya bagi awak peluang lagi. laknat ni bersyarat.. insya-Allah kena kepada siapa yang berdusta. saya belum berdoa lagi.. saya tunggu awak setuju dulu. kalau awak nak teruskan, insya-Allah saya berdoa. kalau awak nak tarik diri, itu urusan awak, sejahil2 orang Islam mana pun, takde dia cakap dia sembah bulan, awak masih mepersendakan perkataan Allah,padahal orang Kristian yang lain ada menggunakan perkataan Allah merujuk kepada Tuhan. nampak sangat awak ni jahil. awak nak bincang cara elok, kita boleh bincang cara elok.
awak nak main tulis je dalam internet perkara yang tak berasas itu bukan cara dia. email saya kalau awak nak bincang cara elok. saya tak paksa awak kalau awak taknak teruskan untuk berdoa laknat perkataan Allah, ilah, ilahain, alihah pun awak tak tahu beza tapi awak nak komen
Christian: momo was stupid, he challenged the monks to sumpah laknatullah mubahala. What happened? He is false as the monks do not marry, but he said to them bring your wives, I bring my wives, bring your children, I bring mine. May Allah curse the one who lied. Christian monks did not turn up for the curse as that's not the teachings of Christ. Then within 18months of this mubahala, momo, his daughter and son died. Aalah did not help your stupid prophet. Aalah can't because it's a black stone.
Muslim: awak setuju saya start berdoa, insyaAllah
Christian: stay away from Islam, the religion of stupidity.
Muslim: nabi Muhammad tak meneruskan doa laknat sebab orang Nasrani tidak mahu meneruskan, awak tahu kan orang Kristian pun ada guna perkataan Allah merujuk kepada Tuhan?
Christian: you will find that the Christian God loves you but allala does not.
Muslim: A summarized translation of comments I posted yesterday: the person using shawn k says that Jesus is God. I say that Jesus is a man and a prophet. Let’s pray (shawn k and me) to our Creator, lord of the heavens and the earth to curse whoever between us (shawn k and me) who is lying. if shawn k agrees to the above invocation to God, then I will start invoking/doa
Christian: Stupidity never ends as long as the pedophile is the praised one.
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