UMAR said: Allah Agrees With Me on Three Things

Allahku setuju denganku dalam tiga hal: -1. Saya berkata, "Ya Rasulullah (ﷺ), saya berharap kami mengambil kiblat Abraham sebagai tempat sholat kami (untuk beberapa doa kami). Maka datanglah Inspirasi Ilahi: Dan bawalah Anda (orang-orang) kiblat Abraham sebagai tempat doa (untuk beberapa doa Anda misalnya dua rakaat Tawaf dari Ka`ba) ". (2.125) -2. Dan sehubungan dengan (ayat) kerudung wanita, saya berkata, 'Wahai Rasulullah (ﷺ)! Saya berharap Anda memerintahkan istri Anda untuk melindungi diri dari para lelaki karena orang-orang baik dan jahat berbicara kepada mereka. ' Jadi ayat jilbab wanita diturunkan. -3. Setelah istri-istri Nabi (ﷺ) membuat front persatuan melawan Nabi (ﷺ) dan saya berkata kepada mereka, 'Mungkin jika dia (Nabi) menceraikan Anda, (semua) bahwa Tuhannya (Allah) akan memberinya bukannya kamu istri yang lebih baik dari pada kamu. ' Jadi ayat ini (sama seperti yang saya katakan) diturunkan. "(66.5). Narrated `Umar (bin Al-Khattab): My Lord agreed with me in three things: -1. I said, "O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ), I wish we took the station of Abraham as our praying place (for some of our prayers). So came the Divine Inspiration: And take you (people) the station of Abraham as a place of prayer (for some of your prayers e.g. two rak`at of Tawaf of Ka`ba)". (2.125) -2. And as regards the (verse of) the veiling of the women, I said, 'O Allah's Messenger (ﷺ)! I wish you ordered your wives to cover themselves from the men because good and bad ones talk to them.' So the verse of the veiling of the women was revealed. -3. Once the wives of the Prophet (ﷺ) made a united front against the Prophet (ﷺ) and I said to them, 'It may be if he (the Prophet) divorced you, (all) that his Lord (Allah) will give him instead of you wives better than you.' So this verse (the same as I had said) was revealed." (66.5). Sahih al-Bukhari 402 In Islam, 1. Al Abyad the Iblis made satanic verses of quran. 2. Jibril sends the divine inspired quran. 3. Allah agreed with Umar and sends verses the same as he had said. 4. Abdullah ibn Sa'd added phrases to quran. 5. Aisha's goat ate adult breastfeeding verses and stoning verses. Remark: Stay away from Islam.

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