Replies to Abdul ibn Potato RedShirtBengap @RedShirtBengap

Replies to Abdul ibn Potato RedShirtBengap
when are you leaving the religion created by muhammad to benefit his penis, position and purse?

We worship Jesus because He is God. You worship Muhammad, you idiot. The sunnah and hadist Muslims worship Muhammad.

@RedShirtBengap idiot your allah lost the throne to jibril and you don't know it.

@RedShirtBengap Muslim sources say allah lost the throne to jibril. Not me. Your imams will not teach you this.

@RedShirtBengap ok sharing references. Yahya reported:
I asked Abu Salama what was revealed first from the Qur'an. He said:" 0, the shrouded one." I said: Or" Recite." Jabir said: I am narrating to you what was narrated to us by the Messenger of Allah (ﷺ). He said: I stayed in Hira' for one month and when my stay was completed, I come down and went into the heart of the valley. Somebody called me aloud. I looked in front of me, behind me, on the right of my side and on my left, but I did not see any body. I was again called and I looked about but saw nothing. I was called again and raised my head, and there on the Throne in the open atmosphere he, i. e. Gabriel (peace be upon him) was sitting. I began to tremble on account of fear. Sahih Muslim 161 d, : Book 1, Hadith 316

@RedShirtBengap when are you leaving the religion created by Muhammad to benefit his penis, position and purse. References: his penis - Surah 33:37; his position - Surah 48:9; his purse - 8:41.

@RedShirtBengap Muhammad was the creator, director and actor of this verse he made up to benefit his penis.

@RedShirtBengap so? So cleaver Muslims are leaving this stupid cult created by Muhammad, that's the no.1 verse they leave Islam.

@RedShirtBengap leave the stupid cult.

@RedShirtBengap Muhammad cut and paste stories from the pagans, Jews and Christians and Waraqa the hetetic reject, jibril the Al Abyad satan gave him inspiration and Muhammad imagined having sex when in fact he did not.

@RedShirtBengap allah tosses a coin, heads Muhammad goes to hell, tails he goes to Las Vegas sexual jannah. May allah forgive his sin... why allah is not sure his sins are forgiven?

@RedShirtBengap Mungkin
. - 1. mengungkapkan kemungkinan. "itu mungkin benar". 2. digunakan untuk meminta atau memberikan izin.
- 1. expressing possibility. "that may be true". 2. used to ask for or to give permission.
- - 1. يعبر عن الاحتمال. "ذلك ربما يكون صحيحا". 2. تستخدم لطلب أو إعطاء الإذن.
할 수있다
: -1. 표현 가능성. "그렇습니다". 2. 요청하거나 허가하는 데 사용됩니다.
-1.表达可能性。 “那可能是真的”。 2.用于请求或给予许可。

Kemungkinan, May, مايو, 할 수있다, 可能,
Allah melempar koin: Kepala - Muhammad pergi ke Jannah. Ekor - Muhammad pergi ke neraka.
Allah tosses a coin: Heads - Muhammad go to Jannah. Tails - Muhammad go to hell.
الله يرمي قطعة نقدية: يرأس محمد يذهب إلى الجنة. ذيول محمد يذهب إلى الجحيم.
알라가 동전 던지기 : 무함마드가 야나에게 간다. 꼬리 무하마드는 지옥에 간다.

Surah 48:2
Indonesia Tafsir Jalalayn (Taqqiya 1000000%)
2 (Supaya Allah memberi ampunan kepadamu) berkat jihadmu itu (terhadap dosamu yang telah lalu dan yang akan datang) supaya umatmu mau berjihad karena akan mendapat ampunan seperti kamu. Pengertian ayat ini mengandung penakwilan, mengingat para nabi maksum dari segala perbuatan dosa yang hal ini telah ditetapkan berdasarkan dalil aqli dan naqli. Dengan demikian maka huruf Lam pada permulaan ayat ini menunjukkan makna Illatul Ghaaiyyah dan lafal yang dimasukinya merupakan Musabbab bukan Sebab (serta menyempurnakan) melalui kemenangan tersebut (nikmat-Nya) pemberian nikmat-Nya (atasmu dan memimpin kamu) melalui kemenangan itu (kepada jalan) yakni tuntunan (yang lurus) artinya Allah memantapkan kamu pada agama Islam.

Indonesia Taqqiya 1000%
2 supaya Allah memberi ampunan kepadamu terhadap dosamu yang telah lalu dan yang akan datang serta menyempurnakan nikmat-Nya atasmu dan memimpin kamu kepada jalan yang lurus,

Malay Taqqiya 1000%
2 Kemenangan yang dengan sebabnya Allah mengampunkan salah dan silapmu yang telah lalu dan yang terkemudian, dan menyempurnakan nikmatNya kepadamu, serta menambahkanmu hidayah ke jalan yang lurus (dalam mengembangkan Islam dan melaksanakan hukum-hukumnya).

English - ITANI Allah
2 That Allah may forgive you your sin, past and to come, and complete His favors upon you, and guide you in a straight path

@RedShirtBengap go worship your pedophile false prophet who created the religion to benefit his penis, position and purse.

@RedShirtBengap Muhammad perfected the religion to sexually abuse children and women.

@RedShirtBengap what does the Arabic text say? Surah 33:50 Any believing woman who gives her body to the prophet for boom boom.... This benefits Muhammad's penis, don't you agree?

@RedShirtBengap this benefits Muhammad's penis: There is no one whom Allah will admit to Paradise but Allah will marry him to seventy-two wives, two from houris and seventy from his inheritance from the people of Hell, all of whom will have desirable front passages and he will have a male member that never becomes flaccid (i.e., soft and limp).’

@RedShirtBengap your allah works like a pimp in Las Vegas.

@RedShirtBengap this benefits the penis of Muhammad. Surah 4:24. Why at the beginning of the verse it says do not force women into prostitution but end of verse says if you force them (into prostitution) allah forgot to punish them?

@RedShirtBengap stupid religion created to benefit the penis, position and purse of Muhammad.

@RedShirtBengap when are you leaving the stupid satanic cult?

@RedShirtBengap Jesus loves you, I love you, but if you choose the wide gate of Muhammad and ended in hell don't blame me. Jesus is alive, Muhammad is dead and going to hell.

@RedShirtBengap when are you leaving the stupid cult of muhammadan?

@RedShirtBengap Surah 48:2 English - ITANI Allah
2 That Allah may forgive you your sin, past and to come, and complete His favors upon you, and guide you in a straight path. Why allah tosses the coin heads muhammad go to jannah, tails he goes to hell. Why allah said may allah...... ? Why allah is not sure of forgiving Muhammad's sins past and to come?

@RedShirtBengap Jesus teaches by their fruits you know them and he warned us of false teachers, false prophets and the antichrist. Our duty is to warn our fellow Christians and others so that they are not deceived by Islam, Muhammad and people like you. You sound so stupid when you do not know our teachings.

@RedShirtBengap it benefited the penis of the Arabic text not in the lies in interpretation in English or Malay.

@RedShirtBengap so it is tails and Muhammad goes to hell.

@RedShirtBengap it as already been taught you idiot muhammad in 1 John 2:22-23 as the antichrist.

@RedShirtBengap so Muhammadans are not sure if Muhammad is in heaven or hell. But I know he is in hell because of his penis, position and purse teachings, kissing the black stone and believing in a false god.

@RedShirtBengap Paul in the Muslim books.

@RedShirtBengap when are you leaving the stupid cult.

@RedShirtBengap Imam Dr Rohi Vs Christian Prince

1 most damaging verse of Quran causing Muslims to leave Islam

Muslims dengan gadis halal

Paulus Adalah Utusan Allah

Christian Prince vs Sheikh Imam Dr Rohi from Al Azhar University

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